Trying to serve

Trying to serve

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Ruffle Wreath

I started my adventure on needing a new wreath for my door and finding inspiration on Pinterest.  I was bogged down with having to change my wreath for each season or Holiday (but I will not be giving up my Christmas's just my idea of the season).  There are many reasons that I came to this conclusion.  One, we move a lot and never know how much storage we have and  two,I am also trying to simplify.
So, one day while on Pinterest, I somehow came upon this wreath.  Well actually, it wasn't the wreath that was pinned, just embellishments.  It was pure genius.  One wreath with different clips (home made hair clips to be exact) for each season.

Now I could store those (or take them from my kids).
So luckily for me there was a link on the page to her tutorial on how she made her wreath.  So I set off to the store to get my wreath and fabric.
So I followed the tutorial and this is what was starting to come together.

I referred back to her original image.  Her tutorial was on a NEW wreath she was creating, not the original.  It was different.  Things were NOT matching up to the original.  So I set it aside for a good week.
After looking at the original wreath and mine, I noticed what was wrong (and I have just realized something new..but it may leave it).  The outside ruffle was laying flat.  She also had the raw edge standing up, perpendicular to the wreath, not parallel.  SO, I took off the outside edge and started over.  I also, had done a little on the inside and thought about making it match the outside ring.
So after undoing and redoing the wreath this is what I came up with..

Now for embellishments.  Currently we are heading into St. Patricks day.  Seeing that my husband is half Irish...we really enjoy showing our (uh hmm...the girls) Irish pride.  So I found these cute felt cloverleafs.
(please note that for my larger clover I used a 1.5 inch would help if I would go back and read directions before I start a craft)
I set off to get my supplies.
While shopping I found a few other things that I started to think about adding to the wreath. So I have a few questions for all of you reading this...
Do you think I need to do a tutorial?





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